Root Word of the Day - 'LOQUI, LOQU & LOC'

By Asakti|Updated : October 11th, 2016

Dear Aspirants

Today we will learn the different words formed from the following root word, along with its usage in the sentences. 

Today's root word - 'LOQUI, LOQU & LOC'

Meaning - Speak

Following is the list of words formed from the above root word:

(1) Loquaci(ty) + '-ous' = Loquacious

Loquaci(ty) : talkativeness

'-ous' : Suffix meaning having, full of, or characterized by


Loquacious : talking or tending to talk much or freely

Usage : He had neither the patience nor the tact for managing loquacious parliamentary pedants.

(2) 'Circum-' + 'locution' = Circumlocution

'Circum-' : around; surrounding; on all sides

Locution : a style of speech or verbal expression


Circumlocution : Indirect roundabout way of speech

Usage : He admitted his crime after years of circumlocution.


(3) 'E-' + 'locution' = Elocution

'E-' : Prefix out / away / outside

'locution' : a style of speech or verbal expression; phraseology

Elocution : a person's manner of speaking or reading aloud in public

Usage : He was a student at the Harvard law school from 1837 to 1840, and from January 1839 to February 1840 he was also an instructor in elocution in the college.


(4) 'Ob-' + 'Loc' + '-ium' : Obloquy

'Ob' : Prefix used with the sense of“reversely,” “inversely,”


'-ium' : Suffix denoting the object of the verb

Obloquy : discredit, disgrace, or bad repute resulting from public blame, abuse, or denunciation 

Usage : In his lifetime, Defoe, as not belonging to either of the great parties at a time of the bitterest party strife, was subjected to obloquy on both sides.


(5) 'Soli-' + 'Loqu' + '-ium' = Soliloquy

'Soli-' : a combining form meaning “alone,” “solitary,” used in the formation of compound words

Soliloquy : A long speech to oneself

Usage : There is one other long soliloquy in the play.





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