How to calculate the number of digits in Large Exponents

By Asakti|Updated : October 11th, 2016

Dear Aspirants

Today we bring you a very important trick to calculate the number of digits in a number of a very large exponent.

Suppose you are asked to take out the number of digits in AB.  The number of digits in the given number is equal to the value calculate by the following formula:

Number of digits in AB is 


Example: Find the number of digits in 72120.

Solution: The value of (Log 72120) = ( 120 X log 72)

              Calculating the value of log72 : log 72 = log (23X32)  

                                                log 72 = (3log2 + 2log3)               

                                                As log2= 0.301 and log3= 0.4771, putting the value in the above equation, we get

                                                log 72= 1.86 (approx.)

                                                Therefore,(120 x 1.86 = 223)

Hence, the number of digits in 72120 = (1+223) = 224




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