Idioms & Phrase (F), Study Notes, Material - DSSSB exam

By Komal|Updated : October 11th, 2022

Idioms & Phrases are beneficial for the following exams - REETUPTETCTETSuper TETDSSSBKVS, etc. Today we will be reading about the idioms and phrases from the letter 'F'.  We can expect at least 2 to 3 questions from the topic of Idioms & Phrase.

List of Important Idioms and Phrases Beginning with F

Idioms & Phrases are beneficial for the following exams - REETUPTETCTETSuper TETDSSSBKVS, etc. Today we will be reading about the idioms and phrases from the letter 'F'.  We can expect at least 2 to 3 questions from the topic of Idioms & Phrase.

  1. For Good: भविष्य के लिए कुछ छोड़ देना 
    : Forever or permanently
    Example: I am leaving for good this time.

  2.  Few and Far between कभी - कभार 
    Meaning: Not very many or not appearing very frequently
    Example: He grew up at a time when jobs were few and far between.

  3.  Fancy Price: बहुत ऊँची कीमत 
    Meaning: Very high price
    Example: I have paid a fancy price for this ordinary pen.

  4. Flogging a dead horse- व्यर्थ का प्रयास करना 
    Meaning: to waste time trying to do something that will not succeed.
    Example: Ram's flogging a dead horse trying to organize the theatre trip. It's quite obvious that nobody's interested. 

  5.  Fish out of water- बेचैन 
    Meaning: In bad condition
    Example: In the company of old men I felt like a fish out of water.

  6.  Fool 's paradise: मुर्खतापूर्ण अभिलाषाएं 
    Meaning: in the false wish
    Example: If you hope to pass, you are in a fool's paradise.

  7.  Forty winks: झपकी
    Meaning: little sleep in the day
    For example, one likes to enjoy forty winks in summer.

  8. Flesh and blood: निकट सम्बन्धी 
    Meaning: Human nature, a normal human being
    Example: we're going to need some fresh blood if we want to remain a viable company in today's market.

  9. Fight tooth and nail: पूरे दम से मुकाबला करना 
    Meaning: to use a lot of effort to oppose someone or achieve something
    For example, we try tooth and nail to clear SSC Exam.

  10. A friend at court: समय पर मदद 
    Meaning: Help on time
    Example: At the time of my brother's appointment, I found in Ram a friend at court.

  11.  Face the music: किसी बुरे अनुभव से गुजरना 
    Meaning: Go through an unpleasant experience
    Example: He was part of an illegal racing gang, and had to face the music when they were busted.

  12. Feather in one’s cap: कोई उपलब्धि 
    Meaning: It means to have an achievement in one’s name.
    Example: One does not get chances to add a feather in their cap too often. So the opportunity to do so should be utilized well.

  13. Feel under the weather: बीमार महसूस करना 
    Meaning: to be ill or feel ill
    Example: She has just returned from her vacation, but is feeling under the weather and has a sore throat and running nose.

  14. Fit as a fiddle: बहुत स्वस्थ आदमी 
    Meaning: A very healthy person
    Example: The team had partied late into the night, but on match day, each of them was as fit as a fiddle.

  15. Freudian Slip: बिना सोचे विचारे बोली हुई गलत बात
    Meaning: A speaker's unintentional mistake revealing his true thoughts
    Example:  The reporter made a Freudian Slip and said "condom" instead of "condemn".

 This article tends to be beneficial for the following exams - REET, UPTET, CTET, Online Classroom Program TET, DSSSB, KVS, etc.


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You may read the suggested books:

Serial No.Book NameAuthor Name
1.IDIOMS and PHRASES AngloRoshan Tolani
2.Popular English Idioms and Phrases: English Idiomatic ExpressionsManik Joshi
 3.Idioms, Phrases & Proverbs with Hindi Meanings & UsageH S Bhatia and P S Bhatia



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  •  The weightage of Idioms & Phrases in the DSSSB exam- 3 to 4 marks.

  •  The level of Idioms & Phrases Questions asked in the DSSSB exam is of moderate level.

  • The weightage of the English Section in the DSSSB exam is 20 marks.

  • Yes, negative marking involves in DSSSB exam

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