Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal launched the NIPUN Bharat Program on July 5, 2021. This effort aims to meet the educational needs of children aged 3 to 9.
NIPUN Bharat Programme Scheme
The National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat) was launched to ensure that by 2026-27, every child in the country has mastered foundational reading and numeracy. Under the auspices of the centrally sponsored Samagra Shiksha scheme, this has been introduced per the new National Education Policy (NEP).
NIPUN Bharat Programme seeks to meet the educational needs of children aged 3 to 9 years. Teachers must provide time and attention to each kid to help them develop primary language, literacy, and numeracy skills that will enable them to become better readers and writers. As a result, NIPUN Bharat aspires to make the foundational learning experience holistic, integrated, inclusive, enjoyable, and engaging.
Guidelines under the Programme
Through a series of extensive talks with implementing partners and experts, the Department has established a complete guideline under NIPUN Bharat that is flexible and collaborative. It includes the technical and administrative components of basic literacy and numeracy implementation at the national, state, district, block, and school levels.
The states/UTs have already been approved for Rs 2,688.18 crore under the Samagra Shiksha scheme to execute various interventions for the foundational stage in 2021-22. It will focus on ensuring that children have access to and remain in school during their foundational years, teacher capacity building, the development of high-quality and diverse student and teacher resources, and tracking each child's progress toward reaching learning outcomes.
Features and the Aim of the Programme
The mission's goals are set in the form of "Lakshya Soochi," or Targets for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, a distinctive component of the effort. The ultimate goal is to accomplish the intended learning outcomes by the end of grade 3; however, the Lakshyas have been developed from Balvatika to grade 3 to raise awareness among parents, the community, volunteers, and others.
The Laskhyas are based on NCERT-developed learning outcomes and worldwide research and ORF studies. For example, at the end of grades II and III, a kid should be able to read 45 to 60 words per minute and at least 60 words per minute correctly from an age-appropriate unknown book with comprehension and clarity.
Focus Area of the Programme
It will concentrate on providing access to and retention of children in the foundational years of schooling and teacher capacity building, developing high-quality and diverse Student and Teacher Resources/Learning Materials and tracking each child's progress toward learning outcomes.
Implementation of the Programme
- The Department of School Education and Literacy will introduce NIPUN Bharat.
- Under the purview of the centrally funded Samagra Shiksha scheme, a five-tier implementation system will be established at the national, state, district, block, and school levels in all States and UTs.
- The 'Samagra Shiksha' program merged three previous programs: the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Teacher Education (TE).
- The scheme's goal is to approach school education as a whole, from pre-school through Class XII.
This program aims to strengthen the level of education in India by providing the right resources to both the children and the teachers.
FAQs on NIPUN Bharat Program
Q.1) Which organization will launch the NIPUN Bharat program?
The Department of School Education and Literacy will launch the NIPUN Bharat Programme in India.
Q.2) Who established the NIPUN Bharat Programme?
Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal established the NIPUN Bharat Programme.
Q.3) How much amount has already been approved under the Samagra Shiksha scheme?
The states/UTs have already been approved for Rs 2,688.18 crore under the Samagra Shiksha scheme.