Launched in April 2020 in reaction to the G20's request for a worldwide mechanism to speed the development of diagnostics, treatments, and vaccinations while ensuring fair distribution. G20 leaders, chiefs of international bodies, and members of global health bodies were asked to discuss lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic at the Global Health Summit.
The Rome Declaration was adopted as a result of this Global Health Summit. At the G20 Summit in Rome, the participants of the Global Health Summit pledged to support and achieve meaningful progress toward the ideals of the Rome Declaration.
What is the Global Health Summit?
On May 21, 2021, Villa Pamphilj in Rome, Italy, hosted the Global Health Summit with the European Union as co-hosts. The third Sustainable Development Goal, 'Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for everyone at all stages,' was the focal point of the discussion.
The G20 leaders agreed to the need for early warning information and monitoring and trigger systems to be fully prepared for any upcoming virus and its mutations. All members of the Global Health Summit made additional commitments to ensure a coordinated and robust response to the epidemic.
Global Health Summit - Major Concerns
- Even the most excellent and successful vaccination program can be thwarted if the virus continues to move freely worldwide.
- Uneven vaccination is becoming more of a concern, and vaccine nationalism is rising.
- Developed countries, such as the United States, accumulate dosages over what their populations require.
- Medium- and low-income nations, on the other hand, are dealing with a scarcity of vaccines and medical facilities, as well as a raging second wave.
What is the Rome Declaration?
Rome Declaration lays forth mutually reinforcing principles and agreements to ensure better preparedness, coordination, resilience, and recovery from the Covid-19 epidemic and future health catastrophes.
Rome Declaration acknowledged the pandemic's negative impact on progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). It reaffirmed its commitment to the United Nations General Assembly's (UNGA) resolution of September 2020 and the International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2005, which will improve global health outcomes and resilience.
By the G20 Global Health Summit in Rome in October 2021, participants agreed to promote and achieve meaningful progress toward these values and the actions they govern.
☛ Also Read: Daily Current Affairs
On May 21, 2021, Villa Pamphilj in Rome, Italy, hosted the Global Health Summit co-hosted by the EU (European Union). The third Sustainable Development Goal, 'Ensure safe and healthful conditions for everyone at all times,' was highlighted.
All G20 members decided to extend the ACT-mission Accelerator until the end of 2022 to overcome the ACT-financial Accelerator's shortage. The focus was on ensuring that low- and middle-income nations have fair access to immunisations. The adoption of the Rome Declaration was decided due to the Global Health Summit.
FAQs on Global Health Summit
Q.1. What are some pledged Contributions as a part of the Global Health Summit?
As a part of the Global Health Summit, some pledged Contributions are -
- Pfizer will provide one billion doses, Johnson & Johnson will provide 200 million, and Moderna will provide 100 million.
- China has offered an additional USD 3 billion in funding for developing nations over the next three years to help them respond to Covid-19.
Q.2. What were significant suggestions from world leaders at the Global Health Summit?
Significant suggestions from world leaders at the Global Health Summit are -
- The unrestricted movement of raw resources and vaccinations across international boundaries.
- Cross-border trade should be protected, and unreasonable trade restrictions and export prohibitions should be eliminated.
Q.3. What was the primary principle at the Global Health Summit?
The primary principle at the Global Health Summit is The statement comprises of 16 concepts that have been agreed upon by both parties. These principles are intended to guide collective action to avert future health catastrophes and create a safer, fairer, more equal, and more stable society.
Q.4. Where was the Global Health Summit 2021 Held?
The Global Health Summit 2021 was held in Rome on May 21, 2021, by Italy, the G20 Presidency, in collaboration with the European Union.
Q.5. Who Represented India at the Global Health Summit 2021?
Last year, India participated in the Global Health Summit, co-hosted by Italy as the G20 Chair and the European Commission. Suresh Prabhu, India's G20 Sherpa, was present at the meeting, which took place on Friday, May 21.