Disaster Risk Index [DRI]

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : May 24, 2022, 11:21

The Disaster Risk Index [DRI] is risk identification, management, and risk exposure tool that measures risk at various global, regional, transboundary, and local scales. The method of disaster risk reduction also includes creating a Disaster Risk Index [DRI] at multiple levels of scale for risk assessment. Furthermore, many countries and regional organizations have created disaster risk indexes based on their specific region or country.

Disaster Risk Index [DRI] Aims

The Disaster Risk Index [DRI] aims to calculate the average risk of death per country in large- and medium-scale disasters caused by earthquakes, tropical cyclones, and floods according to the survey reports of 1980 to 2000.

It also allows for identifying several socioeconomic and environmental variables associated with the risk of death and may point to disaster risk causal processes. Countries are indexed in the DRI for each hazard type based on their degree of physical exposure, relative vulnerability, and risk.

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Disaster Risk Index [DRI] - Components of Disaster Management

  • The equation to manage the risk of disasters

R= {(h x v) x e} ÷ c

when 'R' denotes disaster risks; 'h' the hazards or potentials of a physical event that may cause loss of life or property; 'v' the vulnerabilities or the factors or processes - physical, social, economic, and environmental susceptibility to the impact of hazards; 'e' exposures of vulnerable populations and assets to hazards; and 'c' or capacities or resources available within a community, society, or organization.

  • The scale of Indicators of Disasters

Scale on hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposures would be chosen based on their importance and the data availability in a consistent format across the country. Some of the factors which focus on indicators are lightning, coastal erosion, fire, industrial hazards, and so on, are not available; however, given their importance, these were chosen, and available datasets were used to the greatest extent possible.

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  • Vulnerabilities specific to hazards

Every vulnerability indicator does not apply to every hazard. For example, while vulnerable buildings and infrastructure are significant in an earthquake or a landslide, they are not appropriate in the event of a drought. As a result, a hazard-vulnerability matrix has been explicitly developed, and disaster deficiencies have been factored in to measure risks.

  • Relative weights for indicators of danger and vulnerability

Every hazard and indicator of vulnerability does not create the same level of risk. An earthquake, for example, would pose far greater disaster risks than a landslide or forest fire. Similarly, not every vulnerable condition creates the same level of disaster risk. Existing datasets of disaster damage and losses have been used to develop future propagation on hazards and vulnerabilities. It reduces the risk of any robust hazards and their impacts.

  • Measuring the Disaster Risk Index as a Whole

A composite Disaster Risk Index has been developed for each of the country's 640 census districts based on hazard, vulnerability, and exposure indexes; hazard-specific vulnerabilities; relative weights on indicators of hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposures; and relative weights on hazard, vulnerability, and exposure. Districts were ranked at the national and state levels based on their risk scores.

Disasters are inevitable. It cannot be controlled. People must be aware of the heaviness of disasters and forge solutions to the maximum. The Disaster Risk Index [DRI] makes the recovery procedure easier by offering approx estimations under challenging scenarios.

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FAQS on Disaster Risk Index [DRI]

Q1. What are the elements of the Disaster Risk Index [DRI] Formula in the Disaster Risk Index [DRI]?

The elements of the Disaster Risk Index [DRI] Formula are Hazard, exposure, and vulnerability.

Q2. What causes the reduction of Disaster Link in the Disaster Risk Index [DRI]?

Disaster Risk Index [DRI] reduction entails reducing exposure to hazards, reducing people's and property's vulnerability, prudent land and environmental conservation, and several skills for adverse events.

Q3. What should be done to reduce Disaster Risk according to the Disaster Risk Index [DRI]?

Awareness, education, preparedness, and prediction and warning systems help to lessen the devastation caused by a natural disaster. However, mitigation measures such as zoning, land-use practices, and building codes are required to prevent or reduce actual damage from hazards, according to the Disaster Risk Index [DRI].

Q4. What are the basic disaster risk reduction principles as per the Disaster Risk Index [DRI]?

The basic disaster risk reduction principles as per the Disaster Risk Index [DRI] -

  • Relief efforts
  • Details and engagement during disasters
  • Mandatory rescue effort of populations
  • With regard to dignity
  • Reverence of persons
  • Case of emergencies assistance for the most vulnerable individuals
  • Measures to protect and restore social ties
  • Necessary measures to protect and restore social ties