The farmers' luck is bowed with affluence from sowing to harvesting. He faces a series of adversities from climatic vagaries to drought and erratic rainfall. Storage and unavailability of accessible marketing strategies are also disheartening. One of the best solutions to this life-long problem is Crop Diversification.
Origin of Crop Diversification
It is a new chapter in the green revolution. Crop Diversification emphasizes the addition of new crops to the farmer's produce and thus grows surplus products for the market.
It gives them not only better food security but also financial security by enhancing their sources of income.
Significance of Crop Diversification
The significance of Crop Diversification is immense. One of the most important reasons for encouraging It is that farmers generally get very low returns from their regular crops like rice or wheat. But Crop Diversification and providing them facilities to grow other crops like cotton, sunflower, and others help them achieve greater financial goals. It is also very important in conserving nature.
In uplands or hilly areas, rice and wheat productions are less owing to the high moisture stress sensitivity of these crops, but if It s encouraged amongst farmers, they can grow oilseeds, pluses or herbs or plants of high medicinal value in which irrigation like field crops is not required, the farmers can generate superfluous profits.
Challenges in Crop Diversification
It would not be wrong to say that the foundation of agriculture is Crop Diversification which enables farmers to evolve and acclimatize to face the brunt and never-ending challenges by producing adequate and healthful food for the nation.
But its implementation can be challenging as the country most of the cultivation area is rain-fed and dependent on rainfall, so areas with scanty rainfall cannot really enjoy its benefits of It.
Other challenges could be climatic, geographical and finance-related as well.
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Benefits of Crop Diversification
Agriculture depends to a great extent on climatic changes. Crop Diversification can rationally control the damage that occurs due to unfavourable weather conditions. It is the best solution to reduce possible risk factors.
It can also create new job opportunities for rural people besides traditional farming and thus facilitate income alternatives. It also encourages the empowerment of women in turn.
It helps in reducing insecurities, both fiscal and emotional, by allowing farmers to have an alternate source of income and also increasing the production of high-value crops.
Multi-crop production in small fields increases the production ten-fold and thus inspires a substantial amount of income. It also helps use the resources optimally.
Utmost priority should be given to Crop Diversification and farmers should be educated to line up preferential crops that suit the nature and climatic conditions and make the most of the resources available to strengthen their economic condition as well.
FAQs on Crop Diversification
Q1. What is Crop Diversification?
Ans: Crop Diversification refers to the addition of new crops or a cropping system to increase production within a particular farming area.
Q2. What is the importance of Crop Diversification?
Ans: Crop Diversification is the foundation of agriculture and enables the farmers to yield more productive varieties along with traditional farming and thus bringing a green revolution.
Q3. How does Crop Diversification benefit economically?
Ans: Increased multi-crop production with limited resources, helps the farmers to give much more to the market, thus Crop Diversification is making them financially stronger.
Q4. Why should Crop Diversification be encouraged?
Ans: New job opportunities, women empowerment, and optimum utilization of resources are some unparalleled benefits coming from Crop Diversification. Hence it should be encouraged amongst farmers.