CAT Verbal Ability | Vocabulary List #14

By Neeraj Mishra|Updated : June 2nd, 2020

Today's list:

Root WordMeaningAssociated Words
cryptoHidden, Secret

1. cryptic - of hidden meaning;

  • cryptography - the science of secret codes;
  • encrypt - encode into secret code
cumulmass, heap

2. accumulate - to gather or pile up;

  • cumulative - gradually building up
curr, cursrun

3. concurrent- running parallel; 

  • current- flowing easily and smoothly; 
  • cursive- having a flowing, easy, impromptu character
cyclcircle, ring

4. bicycle - a vehicle with two wheels;

  • cycle - a sequence that is repeated;
  • cyclone - a storm with circling winds
dereduce, away, down, remove

5. decelerate - to slow down, reduce speed;

  • dethrone - to remove from power;
  • debug - to remove bugs

6. decade - 10 years;

  • decathlon - an athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes;
  • December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar


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