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Question 1
What is the age of the preoperational stage in Piaget theory?
Question 2
“Learning is the modification of behavior through experience and training.” This statement was given by:
Question 3
The first social smile of a child appears between:
Question 4
निर्देश - दिए गए गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के सही विकल्प छाँटिए
खेतों में फैला है श्यामल,
धूल भरा मैला सा आँचल,
गंगा यमुना में आँसू जल,
मिट्टी की प्रतिमा
खेतों में फैला है श्यामल,
धूल भरा मैला सा आँचल,
गंगा यमुना में आँसू जल,
मिट्टी की प्रतिमा
यह पद्य किस कवि का है?
Question 5
‘मुदरी’ का तत्सम रूप है।
Question 6
निम्न में से ‘अटल’ शब्द में उपसर्ग हैं?
Question 7
Which of the following statement is correctly punctuated?
Question 8
Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the correct word from the alternatives:
He solved all the questions with _______.
Question 9
Which of the following words does not have silent letter/letters?
Question 10
An amount doubles itself at simple interest in 16 years. Find the rate of interest?
Question 11
What value should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
1/38 x 7638 + 1/52 x 2080 =? x 241
1/38 x 7638 + 1/52 x 2080 =? x 241
Question 12
Arrangement of the fractions in ascending order is:
Question 13
How many Zilla Panchayats are there in Uttar Pradesh?
Question 14
The national park that is declared a UNESCO World Heritage site:
Question 15
The Wildlife Protection Act was passed in
- 181 attempts
Tags :
CTET & State TET ExamsChild Development and PedagogyEnvironmental StudiesEnglish LanguageHindi LanguageMathematicsApr 17CTET & State TET Exams