Time Left - 12:00 mins
Attempt now to get your rank among 133 students!
Question 1
The role of a teacher in an Inclusive classroom is -
Question 2
What type of education is supported by NCF 2005?
Question 3
Which of the following questions are most appropriate to gain the attention of students towards chapter?
Question 4
“उधर गरजती सिंधु लहरियाँ ,कुटिल काल के जालो सी।
चली आ रही फेन उगलती, फन फैलाए व्यालो सी।।
इन पंक्तियो में कौन-सा रस है?
चली आ रही फेन उगलती, फन फैलाए व्यालो सी।।
इन पंक्तियो में कौन-सा रस है?
Question 5
निर्देश - दिए गए गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के सही विकल्प छाँटिए
खेतों में फैला है श्यामल,
धूल भरा मैला सा आँचल,
गंगा यमुना में आँसू जल,
मिट्टी की प्रतिमा
खेतों में फैला है श्यामल,
धूल भरा मैला सा आँचल,
गंगा यमुना में आँसू जल,
मिट्टी की प्रतिमा
इस पद्य में कौन-सा गुण है?
Question 6
‘सामाजिक’ शब्द में मूल शब्द और प्रत्यय है?
Question 7
Point out the portion having a mistake.
1) I passed
2) the exam but
3) the percentage of marks
4) were not good
2) the exam but
3) the percentage of marks
4) were not good
Question 8
Complete the following sentence with the correct option:
The sky suddenly became…………………
The sky suddenly became…………………
Question 9
Which suffix is used to pluralize the given word:
Question 10
What will be the median of the given data if the mean is 4.5?
5, 7, 7, 8, x, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2
Question 11

Question 12
If by selling an article for 390, a shopkeeper gains 20% then the cost price of article is
Question 13
The joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is summoned by
Question 14
Which of the following is the work of a patwari?
Question 15
The Biodiversity Act was passed by the Indian Parliament
- 133 attempts
Tags :
CTET & State TET ExamsChild Development and PedagogyEnvironmental StudiesEnglish LanguageHindi LanguageMathematicsApr 10CTET & State TET Exams