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NPCIL EE 2016 Exam : Mock Test 6
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Question 1
The dynamic transfer characteristics of a transistor is represented by
Where A1 and A2 are constants. If input signal
the output will contain

Where A1 and A2 are constants. If input signal

Question 2
Which one of the following statements is correct in respect of BJT?
Question 3
Which of the following notations have two representations of zero?
1) 1's complement with radix of number being 2
2) 7's complement with radix of number being 8
3) 9's complement with radix of number being 10
4) 10's complement with radix of number being 10
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
1) 1's complement with radix of number being 2
2) 7's complement with radix of number being 8
3) 9's complement with radix of number being 10
4) 10's complement with radix of number being 10
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
Question 4
Assertion (A) : The DAC (Digital Analog Converter) cannot be interfaced to microprocessor in an interrupt driven mode.
Reason (R) : DAC neither needs a start convert pulse nor it has indication of conversion.
Reason (R) : DAC neither needs a start convert pulse nor it has indication of conversion.
Question 5
If two signals modulated the same carrier with different modulation depths of 0.3 and 0.9 the resulting modulation signal will
Question 6
A DSB-SC signal is generated using the carrier signal cos
and modulating signal m(t). what is the envelope detector output of this DSB-SC signal?

Question 7
Consider the unity feedback system with
The system is marginally stable. What is the radian frequency of oscillation?

The system is marginally stable. What is the radian frequency of oscillation?
Question 8
The effects of feedback on stability and sensitivity are.
Question 9
The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is
The closed-loop transfer function will have poles at

The closed-loop transfer function will have poles at
Question 10
If the 12Ω resistor draws a current of 1A as shown in the figure, the value of resistance R is

Question 11
Choose the right answer from the following options. Nodal Analysis used ................. at the same time?
Question 12
For maximum power transfer between two cascaded sections of an electrical network, the relationship between the output impedance Z1 of the first section to the input impedance Z2 of the second section is
Question 13
In a 3 phase delta connected system total power consumed is 400 kW. what will be the power consumed if it is converted into star connected?
Question 14
A 50 kW d.c. shunt motor is loaded to draw rated armature current at any given speed. When driven (i) at half the rated speed by armature voltage control and (ii) at 1.5 times the rated speed by field control, what are the approximate output powers delivered by the motor?
Question 15
When does a synchronous motor operate with leading power factor current?
Question 16
Which of the following conditions are to be satisfied for proper synchronization of alternators?
1) Equal terminal voltage
2) Same frequency
3) Same phase sequence
4) Same kVA rating
5) Same phase displacement
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1) Equal terminal voltage
2) Same frequency
3) Same phase sequence
4) Same kVA rating
5) Same phase displacement
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Question 17
How is the attenuation factor in parallel plate guides represented ?
Question 18
If the load impedance is 100 ohm and input impedance is 25 ohm, then the characteristic impedance of the transmission line is
Question 19
The electric field lines and equipotential lines
Question 20
In 8085, the DAA instruction is used for
Question 21
The contents of Program Counter (PC), when the microproicessor is reading from 2FFF H memory location will be
Question 22
If a full wave fully controlled converter is modified as a full wave half controlled converter, what will be the maximum value of active power (P) and the maximum value of reactive power demand (Q)?
Question 23
Power electronic device with poor turn-off gain is
Question 24
Turn-ON of a Thyristor takes place when
Question 25
The main objective of load frequency controller is to apply control of
Question 26
A power system consists of 300 buses out of which 20 buses are generator buses, 25 buses are the ones with reactive power support and 15 buses are the ones with fixed shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load flow analysis for the system using Newton–Raphson method. The size of the Newton–Raphson Jacobian matrix is
Question 27
Incremental fuel costs (in some appropriate unit) for a power plant consisting of three generating units are
where P1 is the power in MW generated by unit i, for i = 1,2 and 3. Assume that all the three units are operating all the time. Minimum and maximum loads on each unit are 50 MW and 300 MW respectively. If the plant is operating on economic load dispatch to supply the total power demand of 700 MW, the power generated by each unit is

where P1 is the power in MW generated by unit i, for i = 1,2 and 3. Assume that all the three units are operating all the time. Minimum and maximum loads on each unit are 50 MW and 300 MW respectively. If the plant is operating on economic load dispatch to supply the total power demand of 700 MW, the power generated by each unit is
Question 28
Which relay is used to detect and protect internal faults of a transformer?
Question 29
Which one of the following is a frequency sensitive bridge?
Question 30
What is clamp-on ammeter used for?
- 775 attempts
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ESE & GATE EEAnalog ElectronicsCommunication SystemsControl SystemsElectric CircuitsElectrical & Electronic MeasurementsElectrical MachinesGeneralMicroprocessorsPower ElectronicsPower SystemsSignals and SystemsNov 27ESE & GATE EE