Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 30th September, 2022

By Yitika Saini|Updated : September 30th, 2022

Daily updated The Hindu Editorial vocabulary words with their meanings dated 30th September, 2022 are important for Bank, SSC, Railway & IAS exams. At BYJU’S Exam Prep, our Series is named "Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words List: 30th September, 2022" to shape up your vocabulary from the newspaper wordlist.

With the help of a daily wordlist from the Hindu newspaper of 30th September, 2022 our aim is to help you completely understand the commonly used words with their meanings, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, and proper use in sentences, etc. Today's Hindu newspaper contains important vocabulary words like resonate, unviable etc. which can be downloaded from the monthly PDF of The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary to strengthen your preparation.

Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 30th September, 2022

1. Word: Tacit (अनकहा)

  • Pronunciation: tas-it/टैसिट
  • Part of Speech: Adjective 
  • Meaning:
    a. understood without being openly expressed; implied
    b. silent; saying nothing
    c. unvoiced or unspoken
  • Synonyms: unspoken, implicit, silent, implied
  • Antonyms: spoken, said, explicit
  • Usage in a sentence: He gave tacit approval to the plan.

2. Word: Pivotal (बुनियादी)

  • Pronunciation: piv-uh-tl/ पिवटल
  • Part of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.
  • Synonyms: crucial, important, central
  • Antonyms: unimportant, marginal, minor
  • Usage in a sentence: He has established himself as a pivotal figure in US politics.

3. WordRecalibration (दुबारा जांचना)

  • Pronunciation: re-kal-uh-breyt/रीकैलब्रैशन
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: calibrate (something) again or differently.

       Calibrate: to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument)/ to determine the correct range for (an artillery etc.) by observing where the fired projectile hits.

  • Synonyms: reevaluating, redressing
  • Antonyms: disorganize, neglect
  • Use in a Sentence: It also does not need recalibration after launching or during its service life.

4. Word: Warmongering (युद्धोत्तेजक)

  • Pronunciation: wawr-muhng-ger-ing/ वॉर्मंगरिंग
  • Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
  • Meaning: 
    a. encouragement or advocacy of aggression towards other countries or groups. [Noun]
    b. encouraging or advocating aggression towards other countries or groups. [Adjective]
  • Synonyms: hawkish, belligerent, warlike, hostile, aggressive
  • Antonyms: democracy, friendly, pacifist
  • Usage in a Sentence: Some saw him as a great statesman, but others saw him as a ruthless warmonger.

5. Word: Mindful (सचेत)

  • Pronunciation: mahynd-fuh/माइन्ड्फल
  • Part of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning:
    a. deliberately aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, in order to create a feeling of calm
    b. careful not to forget about something
  • Synonyms: aware, conscious, heedful, alert
  • Antonyms: unmindful, negligent, absent-minded, careless
  • Usage in a sentence: Politicians are increasingly mindful that young voters are turning away from traditional parties.

6. Word: Contravene (उल्लंघन करना)

  • Pronunciation: kon-truh-veen/कान्ट्रवीन
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: a. offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct).
    b. conflict with (a right, principle, etc.), especially to its detriment.
  • Synonyms: contradict, oppose, violate
  • Antonyms: agree, endorse, permit
  • Usage in a Sentence: Don't do whatever may contravene the law of the country.

7. Word: Extirpate (विनाश करना)

  • Pronunciationek-ster-peyt/ एक्स्टर्पेट
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: eradicate or destroy completely.
  • Synonyms: destroy, eradicate, uproot, exterminate, eliminate, abolish
  • Antonyms: bear, make, beget, construct, create
  • Usage in a Sentence: The triumph of modern medicine in extirpating certain diseases.

8. Word: Misleading (बहकानेवाला)

  • Pronunciation: mis-lee-ding/मिस्लीडींग
  • Part of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning: giving the wrong idea or impression.
  • Synonyms: ambiguous, illusory
  • Antonyms: genuine, honest
  • Use in a Sentence: The misleading sign led me adrift.

9. WordStand-offs (क़ायम)

  • Pronunciationstand-awf, -of / स्टैन्ड ऑफ
  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: a deadlock between two equally matched opponents in a dispute or conflict. / something that counterbalances.
  • Synonyms: Standstill, Stalemate
  • Antonyms: Conclusion, Decision
  • Use in a Sentence: The standoff between friends ended peacefully the following day.

10. WordReckon (समझना, सम्मिलित करना)

  • Pronunciationrek-uhn/ रेकन
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning
    a. establish by calculation.
    b. be of the opinion.
    c. rely on or be sure of.
  • Synonyms: calculate, think, figure, estimate, count
  • Antonyms: deprive, disavow, depreciate, abandon
  • Usage in a sentence: I reckon that it's going to rain.

Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz

The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 30th September, 2022

Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!

Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.

Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!

  • Recalibration
  • Extirpate
  • Tacit
  • Pivotal
  • Misleading

Exercise 2: Match the columns.

SR No.WordSynonym

Share your answers in the comment section. 

More from us:

You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 27th September, 2022


That was your Vocabulary dose for the day. 

from BYJU'S Exam Prep


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