Best Books for REET Exam Preparation (All Subjects)

By Komal|Updated : January 7th, 2022
Best Book for REET 2022 Exam: Rajasthan Education Board is going to conduct the Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) 2022 exam on the 23rd & 24th of July 2022. This time prospective candidates can find 20 questions related to Rajasthan geography, history and polity. As in the question paper, 150 questions will be asked in both Levels I & II. For the best preparation candidates need the best books for REET 2022. 
If we analyse the exam pattern, Level I will include questions related to Environment, General Science, and Rajasthan Geography and level II will have questions related to Environment, General Science, Polity, Economics, Mathematics and Rajasthan Geography. We would suggest you take help from the following books to cover the entire syllabus and later on after completing the syllabus we refer to practise REET mock tests regularly.
Here we have compiled some of the best REET Books that would help you prepare for the REET 2022 examination in the best possible way. Additionally, we have added some preparation strategies that will help you to cover these books in a limited time.

Benefits of Referring Books for REET Exam:

  1. The prospective candidate will get a basic knowledge of the topic to be studied.
  2. The prospective candidate will get a glimpse of the better subject matter.
  3. The prospective candidate will get their basics related to calculative subjects crystal clear.
  4. Focuses on important questions referred by REET.
  5. The language used in these books is easy to understand.

Books for REET for All the Subjects:

Candidates who are preparing for the REET examination can check the subject-wise complete list of REET Books mentioned in a tabular form.

Serial No.SubjectBook NameBook Cover
1.Child Development & PedagogyS.K.Mangal, P.D.Pathak, Educational Psychology(Shiksha Manovigyan) by Dheer Singh Dhabhai, Class XIth & Class XIIth N.C.E.R.T. Psychology Booksbyjusexamprep
2.MathematicsR.S.Aggarwal, Daksh, Upkar byjusexamprep
3.ScienceLucent Publication, Daksh, Upkar byjusexamprep
4.S.S.T. (Social Science)Arihant Publication, Upkar, Rai Social Studies byjusexamprep
5.EnglishLakshya byjusexamprep
6.HindiAnupama,PCP Dharohar byjusexamprep
7.Rajasthan GeographyBhalla Geography of Rajasthan- Dr Lajpat Ray Bhalla & Kuldeep Publication, Parth MCQ of Geography (Bhugol) byjusexamprep
8.SanskritAnupama, Upkar byjusexamprep
9.Environmental ScienceGaruda, Sikhwal by N.M.Sharma & Vandna Joshi byjusexamprep

Key points for the Selection of REET books

  • Along with the advised books, we will also suggest you read from the NCERT books on all the above-mentioned subjects. A major portion of the exam can easily be covered with the help of NCERT books.
  • We advise you to keep giving mock tests and quizzes regularly to keep checking the preparation level. We hope this list of books for REET will surely going to help a lot in your preparation. We wish you all the best for REET 2022.  


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