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Voltage Regulator - 2 Starter Quiz

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Question 1

In the given figure, cut in voltage of both zener diode Dz and D is 0.7V, while breakdown voltage of zener is 3.3V and reverse break down of D is 50V. The other parameters can be assumed to be the same as those of an ideal diode. The values of the peak output voltage (V0) are (given ω= 314 rad/sec)
2019-11-05.jpg (316×163)

Question 2

In the circuit shown below, the Zener voltage VZA=VZB = 6 V, assume ideal diodes and forward cut in voltage is 0. Vo is output voltage then

Question 3

For Designing a DC regulated power supply of 6V across the load with variable load current of 1mA to 20mA Zener diode specifications are (IZ)min = 0.1 mA & Iz max = 50 mA with input unregulated DC voltage of 10V to 15V a circuit shown in figure.

So the suitable value of resistance of RS is

Question 4

What is the input voltage range for getting proper rectified output for the following circuit (Vz = 10V).

Question 5

Assume Zener diode D1 has current voltage characteristics as shown below on the right and forward drop of diode D2 is 0.7V.

Then, the minimum input voltage (Vin) of which Zener is in breakdown.

Question 6Multiple Correct Options

The 8V Zener diode shown below has a knee current of 8mA. The power rating of Zener is. Then which of the following are correct?

Question 7Multiple Correct Options

In the Zener diode regulator circuit, assume that at.

Which of the following is/are correct?

  • 88 attempts