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Question 1
Which of the following is not a learning theory?
Question 2
“Social development means the acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with social expectation.” This statement was given by:
Question 3
Theory of identical elements was developed by:
Question 4
‘बिना पढ़ा हुआ अंश' वाक्यांश के लिए शब्द होगा।
Question 5
त्रुटियुक्त वर्तनी का चयन कीजिए
Question 6
निम्नलिखि में छन्द है।
"करते अभिषेक पयोद हैं, बलिहारी इस वेश की।
हे मातृभूमि! तू सत्य ही, सगुण-मूर्ति सर्वेश की।"
हे मातृभूमि! तू सत्य ही, सगुण-मूर्ति सर्वेश की।"
Question 7
Choose the correct passive narration of the given sentence:
Please don’t smoke.
Question 8
Identify the gender of underlined word in the given sentence:
Who is the principal of this school?
Question 9
Fill in the blank with appropriate word from the given options:
For every dark night _______________ a brighter day.
Question 10
, then the value of

Question 11
There are 50 numbers. Each number is subtracted from 53 and the mean of the numbers so obtained is –3.5. The mean of the given numbers is:
Question 12
If we increased 20% in numerator and 25% in denominator of a fraction then it is
, then the original fraction is:

Question 13
The fluid part of the blood is called:
Question 14
Which of the following is an alloy?
Question 15
Which among these algae occurs as parasite on tea and coffee plant?
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CTET & State TET ExamsChild Development and PedagogyEnglish LanguageHindi LanguageMathematicsScienceFeb 9CTET & State TET Exams