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UPTET Level - 1 Mini Mock Test :17.03.2024

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Question 1

Insight does not depend on which of the following factors?

Question 2

Which one to the following is related to factors influencing learning?

Question 3

Which one of the following statement is not causes of learning plateau?

Question 4

निम्न में से किस व्यंजन का उच्चारण 'तालु’ नहीं है?

Question 5

निम्न में से देशज शब्द है -

Question 6

"अव्ययीभाव समास" निम्न में से किस शब्द में नहीं है?

Question 7

Complete the following sentence with correct conjunction:
_________ she comes to the party or I do.

Question 8

Complete the following sentence with the correct conjunction:
________ I was tired, I did not sleep that night.

Question 9

Choose the correct sentence:

Question 10

The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 11 . If the digits are reversed, the number is decreased by 63. Find the number.

Question 11

Pranjal drink 10 glasses of water every day. If the capacity of 1 glass is 250 mL, then how many liters of water he drinks in 20 days?

Question 12

The sum of the positive factors of 210 is:

Question 13

Consider the following statements:

i. Pollution is further divided into two Categories.

ii. Natural pollution is one of its types.

iii. Natural pollution is caused by human waste and sewage.

Which of these statements given above is/are correct?

Question 14

On which date World water day is celebrated?

Question 15

The main atmospheric layer near the surface of the earth is
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  • 1 upvote
Mar 17CTET & State TET Exams