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UP Junior Social Science Mini Mock : 25

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Question 1

How many chapters (Parva) are there in the epic Mahabharata?

Question 2

Settlements of peasants under the Chola Dynasty were known as _______.

Question 3

In which of the following period Ostriches were found in India?

Question 4

Who among the following calculated the value of ‘pi’(p) first?

Question 5

Ustad Mansur, Bishandas, Manohar, Goverdhan, etc., were court painters of which king?

Question 6

Which of the following Indian rulers was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni in his first attack in the year 1000 AD?

Question 7

Who founded the women wing of congress-‘All India Mahila Congress’ in 1940?

Question 8

Which Governor General was credited with the initiation of the policy of ‘Paramountcy’?

Question 9

Fatwa-i-Alamgiri, a digest of Muslim laws, was written during the period of which of the following kings?

Question 10

Which leader fast unto death for 63 days as a protest against deplorable condition of the prisoners and under-trials??

Question 11

In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Give answer accordingly:

Statements: T ≤ G, Y > T, O ≥ Y


I. G ≤ O

II. O < G

Question 12

These questions are based on the following information.

There are four persons - Mohan, Soham, Suraj and Ram - each of whom plays exactly one game from amongst Cricket, Football, Table-Tennis and Tennis. No game is played by two persons. Each person gives two replies to any question asked to them. At least one person among them always speaks the truth and at least one person always tells lies. There is at least one person who always alternates between the truth and lie in any order.

When asked about the names of the persons and the respective games played by them, following were their replies:

Mohan: I play Cricket. Suraj plays Cricket.
Soham: I play Tennis. Ram plays Tennis.
Suraj: Mohan plays Table-Tennis. Soham plays Cricket.
Ram: Suraj plays Football. I play Table-Tennis.

It is also known that Ram plays Tennis and a definite arrangement can be obtained from the statements given by each person.

Who among the following plays Crickets?

Question 13

These questions are based on the following information.

There are four persons - Mohan, Soham, Suraj and Ram - each of whom plays exactly one game from amongst Cricket, Football, Table-Tennis and Tennis. No game is played by two persons. Each person gives two replies to any question asked to them. At least one person among them always speaks the truth and at least one person always tells lies. There is at least one person who always alternates between the truth and lie in any order.

When asked about the names of the persons and the respective games played by them, following were their replies:

Mohan: I play Cricket. Suraj plays Cricket.
Soham: I play Tennis. Ram plays Tennis.
Suraj: Mohan plays Table-Tennis. Soham plays Cricket.
Ram: Suraj plays Football. I play Table-Tennis.

It is also known that Ram plays Tennis and a definite arrangement can be obtained from the statements given by each person.

Who among the following always speaks the truth?

Question 14

These questions are based on the following information.

There are four persons - Mohan, Soham, Suraj and Ram - each of whom plays exactly one game from amongst Cricket, Football, Table-Tennis and Tennis. No game is played by two persons. Each person gives two replies to any question asked to them. At least one person among them always speaks the truth and at least one person always tells lies. There is at least one person who always alternates between the truth and lie in any order.

When asked about the names of the persons and the respective games played by them, following were their replies:

Mohan: I play Cricket. Suraj plays Cricket.
Soham: I play Tennis. Ram plays Tennis.
Suraj: Mohan plays Table-Tennis. Soham plays Cricket.
Ram: Suraj plays Football. I play Table-Tennis.

It is also known that Ram plays Tennis and a definite arrangement can be obtained from the statements given by each person.

Who are the two persons who always alternate between the truth and lie?

Question 15

Which organisation releases Corruption Perception Index every year?
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