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Question 1

Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
What is the average price of A from 2014 to 2018?
Question 5
500, 675, 800, 900, 975, 281, 8000
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
i. Organisms which survive in the absence of oxygen are known as aerobic organisms.
ii. In the absence of oxygen organisms get energy through anaerobic respiration.
iii. Yeast is a type of aerobic organism.
Which of the above statements are correct?
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
P ≤ Q, Q < R, R = S, S ≥ T
I. T ≤ R
II. P ≤ S
III. P < S
Question 15
While looking for a Physician, a man came across four people X, Y, Z, and W who belong to four different fields, i.e., Physician, Dentist, Ophthalmologist, Neurologist. All of them say two statements.
X says: I am the physician. Y is the Dentist.
Y says: I am the Dentist. Z is the Physician.
Z says: I am the ophthalmologist. W is the Dentist.
W says: I am not the Ophthalmologist. X is a Neurologist.
One of them is the truth-teller, one who always speaks the truth, one of them is a liar, one who always lies, and two of them are alternators, who speaks truth and lie alternately i.e., if their first statement is true, their other statement is a lie or if their first statement is a lie then their second statement is true. It is given that Y is the Neurologist.
Which one of them is the Truth-teller?
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