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Soil Mechanics: Nuclear Quiz 2
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Question 1
AssertionA.: For a saturated clayey soil, the effective stress increases immediately after increasing the surcharge.
Reason(R): Effective stress is given as the difference between total stress and pore water pressure.
Question 2
Effective stress at a point in a soil layer will increase due to:
Question 3
An elastic medium carries at its surface a uniform load of 10 t/m2 (~ 100 Kpa) covering a rectangular area of 4m x 3m. Find the vertical pressure at a depth of 5m below the center and corner of the loaded area. Assume influence factor of equal Quadrant is 0.0474 and influence factor for the point located at the corners of loaded area is 0.1247
Question 4
A dry soil is acted upon by a tension force of 0.2 N/m. The effective size of soil grains can be taken as 0.11 mm. What will be the maximum rise attained due to capillary? Take

Question 5
What will be the maximum capillary tension for a tube of 0.15 mm in diameter at 20°C
Question 6
Which of the following statements regarding ‘Quick sand’, are correct
1. This phenomenon takes place mainly in fine sands.
2. It takes place in case of upward seepage flow.
3. It takes place at a hydraulic gradient of about 1.
4. Human beings and animals are not sucked into a quicksand.
Question 7
A coarse-grained soil has a void ratio of 0.78 and specific gravity as 2.67. The critical gradient at which a quick sand condition occurs will be
Question 8
A 1.5 m layer of soil is subjected to an upward seepage head of 2.0 m. A layer of coarse sand is laid above the soil layer to attain a factor of safety of 2 against piping. Both the soil and coarse sand have the same value of G = 2.60 and
e = 0.65. There is a negligible head loss in the sand layer. The required depth (in m) of the coarse sand layer is
e = 0.65. There is a negligible head loss in the sand layer. The required depth (in m) of the coarse sand layer is
Question 9
The flow lines and equipotential lines in a flow net are in the shape of
Question 10
The portion between two successive flow lines in a flow net is referred as
- 562 attempts