Candidates must practice Canara Bank PO practice set papers to ascertain the level of preparation and get accustomed to the exam pattern and question trend for the Canara Bank PO exam. After completion of the entire syllabus, it is essential to revise using the Canara Bank PO question bank as per the time duration of the exam. This will also improve the speed of solving and shall enhance accuracy for a better result in the Canara Bank PO examination.
For your ease of preparation, the Canara Bank PO Exam practice papers have been compiled year-wise including Canara Bank PO 2020, Canara Bank PO 2019, and many more. Canara Bank PO practice set contains question papers of all the sections and stages of the examination. Solve the Canara Bank PO previous year papers to check where you stand and improve accordingly.
Canara Bank PO Syllabus
To solve Canara Bank PO previous year's papers, it is very important to be aware of the detailed syllabus for every subject. Thus, check out the detailed Canara Bank PO syllabus below:
Subjects | Topics |
Quantitative Aptitude | - Data Interpretation: Pie Charts, Tables, Bar & Graphs, Line Charts, Caselets
- Time and work
- Speed, Distance and time
- Profit, Loss, and Discount
- Mixture and allegation
- Percentages
- Partnership
- Permutation and combinations
- Simple and compound interest
- Probability
- Mensuration
- Inequalities
- Quadratic Equations
- Simplification / Approximation
- Number Series
- Data Sufficiency
- Ratio and proportion
- Averages
Reasoning | - Puzzles and sitting arrangement
- Data Sufficiency
- Syllogism
- Statement and assumptions
- Statement and arguments
- Passage and conclusions
- Alphabet test
- Alphanumeric Series
- Number, Ranking and time sequence
- Direction Sense
- Input/output
- Coding-Decoding (New Pattern)
- Blood Relations
- Data Flow Diagram
- Decision making
- Data Sufficiency
- Analogy
- Classification
- Word formation
- Statement and conclusions
English Language | - Reading Comprehension
- Cloze Test
- Phrases and idioms
- Sentence Correction / Sentence Improvement (New Pattern)
- Phrase Replacement
- Para Jumble / Rearrangement of Sentences
- Sentence Completion (Single & Double Fillers)
- Vocabulary: Homonyms / Antonyms / Synonyms
Canara Bank PO Exam Pattern
Below is the detailed Canara Bank PO Exam Pattern:
Subject | Number of Questions | Marks | Duration |
Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 2 Hours |
Reasoning | 50 | 50 |
English | 50 | 50 |
General Awareness | 50 | 50 |
Total | 200 | 200 |