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Microprocessor : Nuclear Quiz 3
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Question 1
In an instruction of 8085 microprocessor how many bytes are present?
Question 2
The 8085 microprocessor responds to the presence of an interrupt
Question 3
How many general purpose registers in 8085 microprocessor?
Question 4
Write an instruction which takes the minimum possible time to clear the accumulator of the 8085.
Question 5
Which one of the following statements is correct about5 8086?
Question 6
a. Immediate addressing
b. Implied addressing
c. Register addressing
d. Direct addressing
i. LDA 30 FF
ii. MOV A, B
iii. LXI H, 2050
iv. RRC
a. Immediate addressing
b. Implied addressing
c. Register addressing
d. Direct addressing
i. LDA 30 FF
ii. MOV A, B
iii. LXI H, 2050
iv. RRC
Question 7
An 8085 assembly language program is given below. Assume that the carry flag is initially unset. The content of the accumulator after the execution of the program is
Question 8
What is content of accumulator of 8085 P after the execution of XRI F0 H instruction?
Question 9
Which instruction in an 8085 processor can set a flag?
Question 10
In 8085, TRAP is
Question 11
Number of possible pages in 8085 microprocessor is-
- 218 attempts