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Mechanical Engg: Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Quiz 5
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Question 1
A 10 mm diameter Brinell ball produce an indentation of diameter 1.64 mm in a steel alloy when a load of 500 kg is used. BHN will be ___________ kg/mm2.
Question 2
Which of the following are major factors of arising dislocations ________?
Question 3
Which of these is not a property of an electrolyte that is used in Electro-chemical machining?
Question 4
A batch of 10 cutting tools could produce 500 components while working at 50 rpm with a tool feed of 0.25 mm/rev and depth of cut of 1mm. A similar batch of 10 tools of the same specification could produce 122 components while working at 80 rpm with a feed of 0.25 mm/rev and 1 mm depth of cut. How many components can be produced with one cutting tool at 60 rpm?
Question 5
Estimate the metal removal rate (in cc/hr) of an alloy containing 18% Cobalt, 62% Nickel and 20% Chromium during Electrochemical Machining (ECM) with a current of 500 Amperes. The density of the alloy is 8.28 gm/cc. The following data is available:

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