The Zener diode regulator shown in circuit has a source voltage Vs= 12sinωt
If the Zener diode has a Zener diode voltage of 6V then draw the output waveform across resistance ‘R’?
Question 2
In the circuit below, the operational amplifier is ideal. If V1 = 10 mV and V2 = 50 mV, the output voltage (Vout) is
Question 3
For the circuit shown in the figure below the voltage V0 is (assume diode is ideal)
Question 4
Consider the circuit shown below:
The value of input resistance Rin is (Assuming the op-amp to be ideal)
Question 5
A half wave rectifier has a diode with internal resistance Rf = 20 Ω and load resistance of RL = 1 k Ω. If the rectifier is supplied with 110 V rms source then the efficiency of the half wave rectifier is
Question 6
In the BJT circuit below, assume and CE current gainvery large. Then the collector to base voltage______V
Question 7
Consider a MOS circuit as shown below with both transistors andidentical and have,,Then
Question 8
For the ideal op-amp circuit, the voltage gainis ____
Question 9
The voltage gain of the ideal voltage amplifier circuit having a gain of 100 V/V with a resistanceconnected between its input and output terminals as shown below will be
Question 10Multiple Correct Options
Which of the following is correct
(i) If α = 0.989 then β = 89.90, = 90.90
(ii) if β = 99 then ∝ = 0.99, = 98
(iii) if = 90 then ∝ = 0.98, β = 89
Question 11
The maximum value of output voltage (in volts) for the circuit shown in figure below, for the input given as
Question 12
The MOSFET circuit shown in figure
If the dc output voltage Vout = 5V. Assume, that the MOSFET operates in the saturation region and has parameter k = 2 mA/V2 and VT = 1V the value of the dc input Voltage V1 is
Question 13
The input V1 to the circuit shown in figure before is a square wave of amplitude ±1V and frequency 100 Hz.
Assume ideal components, the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output Va is
Question 14
Consider the circuit shown below:
If the input voltage Vin = 1mV, then the output voltage V0 is
(Assume op-amp to be ideal)
Question 15
In the circuit shown below, all the op-amps are ideal.
The output voltage Vo is ___________Volts.
Question 16
Consider the circuit shown below :
The transistor Tl has VBE = 0.7 V and β = 100, The Q point of the transistor) Ic & VCE) is equal to?
(Assume that, ICO is negligible)
Question 17
Consider a circuit shown in figure below: The value of voltage gain is equal to __________. (Consider VT = 25 mV and β to be very large)
Question 18
A current of 5.64 mA is required through the LED to make it work properly. Thus the minimum value of input voltage to be applied to the input to make the LED glow is ___________V. (Assume VBE = 0.7 V).
Question 19
Calculate the output voltage for this circuit when V1 = 2.5 V and V2 = 2.25 V.
Question 20
For the circuit shown below if thermal voltage (VT) is 25 mV and V1 – V2 = 0.3 V, then consider ideal BJT’s if . Then the value of ‘a’ is ________. (Both BJT’s are identical).
Question 21
The diode in the circuit shown below and diodes are ideal. Show the transfer characteristics of circuit if
–20V ≤ V1 ≤ 20V
Question 22
In the circuit shown in figure, the output voltage V0 is __________, if the NMOS transistor have Vth = 1V of
Question 23
Consider the circuit shown below. The transistors are perfectly matched with the parameters
VTN = 1V
VTP = – 1V
Assume λ = 0 for both transistor
For the value of V1 = 2.5 V, then the value of IDN and IDP is?
Question 24Multiple Correct Options
(i) In Saturation region, the output resistance of MOSFET is independent of modulation coefficient.
(ii) The units for Modulation coefficient is V–1
(iii) The output resistance of MOSFET in saturation region is directly proportional to modulation coefficient.
(iv) The output resistance of MOSFET in saturation region is inversely proportional to modulation coefficient.
Which of the following statements/s is/are correct?
Question 25Multiple Correct Options
An op-amp has an open loop gain varying 100 to 120. The possible output voltages when Vinput = 20m V, where the amplifier is ideal in all other respects and Vios is input offset voltage