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ISRO Quiz 2023 42

Attempt now to get your rank among 89 students!

Question 1

The cyberattack in which a target is contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to true individuals into providing sensitive data is called ________.

Question 2

Consider the following code:

What is in the place of x if the above C code prints the output as 32?

Question 3

Select * from student S

where S.rollno NOT IN ( Select L.rollno from library L

where L.bookno IN (Select B.bookno from Book B where B.title = ‘Operating systems’));

What is the result of above query?

Question 4

In a class of 200 students, 125 students are Marvel movies fan, 85 students are DC movies fans, 65 students are anime movies fans, 50 students are both Marvel and DC fans, 35 students are both DC and anime fans, 30 students are both anime and Marvel fanswer 20 students like to watch all 3 types of movies. How many students do not like any of the three types of movies?

Question 5

If of a pencil is black,  of the remaining is white and the remaining cm is blue, find the total length of the pencil.
  • 89 attempts