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GATE (CE) : Transportation Engineering & Surveying #5 (App update required to attempt this test)
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Question 1
Which one of the following represents the hardest grade of bitumen?
Question 2
Match the following. Match List-A (type of cutback bitumen) with List B (solvent used) and select the correct codes.

Question 3
10 cm bituminous concrete having cohesionmeter value 65 is equivalent to 8.0 cm gravel subbase. The cohesionmeter value of gravel subbase is ____.
Question 4
The result of one day axle load of trucks on a road is given below. Find the number of repetition of standard 80KN axle in a year (nearest integer)
Question 5
A traffic survey conducted on a road yields an average daily traffic count of 5000 vehicles. The axle load distribution on the same road is given in the following table
The design period of the road is 15 years, the yearly traffic growth rate is 7.5% and the load safety factor (LSF) is 1.3. If the vehicle damage factor (VDF) is calculated from the above data, the design traffic (in million standard axle load, MSA) is ________. (standard axle load = 8160kg ∼ 8.2 tonnes)

The design period of the road is 15 years, the yearly traffic growth rate is 7.5% and the load safety factor (LSF) is 1.3. If the vehicle damage factor (VDF) is calculated from the above data, the design traffic (in million standard axle load, MSA) is ________. (standard axle load = 8160kg ∼ 8.2 tonnes)
Question 6
Which type of pavement uses a thin bituminous layer over a cement concrete slab?
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