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GATE (CE) : Transportation Engineering & Surveying #4
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Question 1
Read the following statements carefully
Statement I: The most widely used test for design of rigid pavements is the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test.
Statement II: CBR test can be used for evaluating soil strength properties such as cohesion and internal friction.
Choose the correct option
Statement I: The most widely used test for design of rigid pavements is the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test.
Statement II: CBR test can be used for evaluating soil strength properties such as cohesion and internal friction.
Choose the correct option
Question 2
The rigid pavement are made of
Question 3
For a 25cm thick cement concrete pavement, analysis of stresses gives the following values
The most critical stress value for this pavement is

The most critical stress value for this pavement is
Question 4
Consider the following statements in the context of cement concrete pavements.
I: Warping stresses in cement concrete pavements are caused by the seasonal variation in temperature
II: Tie bars are generally provided across transverse joints of cement concrete pavements
The correct option evaluating the above statement is
I: Warping stresses in cement concrete pavements are caused by the seasonal variation in temperature
II: Tie bars are generally provided across transverse joints of cement concrete pavements
The correct option evaluating the above statement is
Question 5
In a pavement slab of thickness 18 cm the modulus of elasticity of concrete and Poisson's ratio are 3 x 105 kg/cm2 and 0.15 respectively. Plate bearing test shown the pressure of 1.2 kg/cm2 corresponding to 1.25 mm penetration. What is the radius (in cm) of relative stiffness of pavement slab?
Question 6
The width of the expansion joint is 20mm in a cement concrete pavement. The laying temperature is 20 °C and the maximum slab temperature in summer is 60 °C. The coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete is 10 x 10–6 mm/mm / °C and the joint filler compresses upto 50% of the thickness. The spacing between expansion joints should be
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