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GATE CE : Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering- Rapid Quiz 3
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Question 1
The void ratio of a soil is 0.59, water content is given as 0.1, assuming G as 2.76, the degree of saturation of the soil is:
Question 2
The pressure distribution at the base of a flexible foundation for all types of soil is
Question 3
Design of foundation for a large generator is guided, primarily by
Question 4
Match List-I (Soil) with List-II (Type) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

Question 5
A clay sample, originally 26 mm thick at a void ratio of 1.22, was subjected to a compressive load. After the clay sample was completely consolidated, its thickness was measured to be 24 mm. what is the final void ratio?
Question 6
In a random sampling procedure for cube strength of concrete, one sample consists of X number of specimens. The specimens are tested at 28 days and average strength of these X specimens is considered as test result of the sample, provided the individual variation in the strength of specimens is not more than ±Y percent of the average strength. The values of X and Y as per IS: 456-2000 are
Question 7
The number of blows observed in a Standard Penetration Test (SPT) for different penetration depths are given as follows.
The observed N value is

The observed N value is
Question 8
For a saturated sand deposit, the void ratio and the specific gravity of solids are 0.70 and 2.67, respectively. The critical (upward) hydraulic gradient for the deposit would be
Question 9
Four columns of a building are to be located within a plot size of 10 m × 10 m. The expected load on each column is 4000 kN. Allowable bearing capacity of the soil deposit is 100 kN/m2. The type of foundation best suited is
Question 10
A non–homogenous soil deposit consists of a silt layer sandwiched between a fine–sand layer at top and a clay layer below. Permeability of the silt layer is 10 times the permeability of the clay layer and one–tenth of the permeability of the sand layer. Thickness of the silt layer is 2 times the thickness of the sand layer and two–third of the thickness of the clay layer. The ratio of equivalent horizontal and equivalent vertical permeability of the deposit is __________.(upto 2 decimal places)
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