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GATE CE Exam : Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering - Mock Test 1
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Question 1
A synthetic sample of water is prepared by adding 100 mg Kaolinite (a clay mineral), 200 mg glucose, 168 mg NaCl, 120 mg MgS04, and 111 mg CaCl2 to 1 liter of pure water. The concentrations of total solids (TS) and fixed dissolved solids (FDS) respectively in the solution in rug/L are equal to
Question 2
Group symbols assigned to silty sand and clayey sand are respectively
Question 3
The following statements are related to temperature success developed in concrete pavement slabs with free edges (without any restraint):
P. The temperature stresses will be zero during both day and night times if the pavements slab is considered weightless
Q. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during night time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
R. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during day time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
The TRUE statement(s) is (are)
P. The temperature stresses will be zero during both day and night times if the pavements slab is considered weightless
Q. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during night time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
R. The temperature stresses will be compressive at the bottom of the slab during day time if the self–weight of the pavement slab is considered
The TRUE statement(s) is (are)
Question 4
Four columns of a building are to be located within a plot size of 10 m × 10 m. The expected load on each column is 4000 kN. Allowable bearing capacity of the soil deposit is 100 kN/m2. The type of foundation best suited is
Question 5
A 10 m thick clay layer is under lain by a sand layer of 20 m depth (see figure below). The water table is 5 m below the surface of clay layer. The soil above the water table is capillary saturated. The value of gtat is 19 kN/m3. The unit weight of water is gw. If now the water table rises to the surface, the effective stress at a point P on the interface will

Question 6
The vertical stress at some depth below the corner of a 2m x 3m rectangular footing due to a certain load intensity is 100 kN / m2 below the centre of a 4m x 6m rectangular footing at the same depth and same load intensity?
Question 7
Match the information given in Group–I with those in Group–II
Group – I
P. Factor to decrease ultimate strength to design strength
Q. Factor to increase working load to ultimate load from design
R. Statical method of ultimate load analysis
S. Kinemtical mechanism method of ultimate load analysis
Group – II
1. Upper bound on ultimate load
2. Lower bound on ultimate load
3. Material partial safety factor
4. Load factor
Group – I
P. Factor to decrease ultimate strength to design strength
Q. Factor to increase working load to ultimate load from design
R. Statical method of ultimate load analysis
S. Kinemtical mechanism method of ultimate load analysis
Group – II
1. Upper bound on ultimate load
2. Lower bound on ultimate load
3. Material partial safety factor
4. Load factor
Question 8
In an unconsolidated undrained triaxial test, it is observed that an increase in cell pressure from 150 kPas to 250 kPa leads to a pore pressure increase of 80 kPa. It is further observed that, an increase of 50 kPa in deviatoric stress result in an increase of 25 kPa in the pore pressure. The value of Skempton’s pore pressure parameter B is:
Question 9
To provide safety against piping failure, with a factor of safety of 5, what should be the maximum permissible exit gradient for soil with specific gravity of 2.5 and porosity of 035?
Question 10
As per the Indian Standard soil classification system, a sample of silty clay with liquid limit of 40% and plasticity index of 28% is classified as
Question 11
The water content of a saturated soil and the specific gravity of soil solids were found to be 30% and 2.70, respectively. Assuming the unit weight of water to be l0kN / m\ the saturated unit weight (kN/m3), and the void ratio of the soil are
Question 12
An open-ended steel barrel of 1 m height and 1 m diameter is filled with saturated fine sand having a coefficient of permeability of 10–2 m/s. The barrel stands on a saturated bed of gravel. The time required for the water level in the barrel to drop by 0.75 m is
Question 13
For the soil strata shown in figure, the water table is lowered by drainage by 2m and if the top 2m thick silty sand stratum remains saturated by capillary action even after lowering of water table, the increase in effective vertical pressure in kPa at mid–hight of clay layer will be

Question 14
Identical surcharges are placed at ground surface at sites X and Y, with soil conditions shown alongside and water table at ground surface. The silty clay layers at X and Y are identical. The thin sand layer at Y is continuous and free–draining with a very large discharge capacity. If primary consolidation at X is estimated to complete in 36 months, what would be the corresponding time for completion of primary consolidation at Y?

Question 15
A spillway discharges flood flow at a rate of 9 m3/s per metre width. If the depth of flow on the horizontal apron at the toe of the spillway is 46 cm, the tail water depth needed to form a hydraulic jump is approximately given by which of the following options?
Question 16
Sieve analysis on a dry soil sample of mass 1000g showed that 980g and 270g of soil pass through 4.75mm and 0.075mm sieve, respectively. The liquid limit and plastic limits of the soil fraction passing through 425 µ sieves are 40% and 18% respectively. The soil may be classified as
Question 17
The soil profile below a lake with water level at elevation = 0 m and lake bottom at elevation = –10 m is shown in the figure, where k is the permeability coefficient. A piezometer (stand pipe) installed in the sand layer shows a reading of +10 m elevation. Assume that the piezometric head is uniform in the sand layer. The quantity of water (in m3/s) flowing into the lake from the sand layer through the silt layer per unit area of the lake bed is:

Question 18
A non–homogenous soil deposit consists of a silt layer sandwiched between a fine–sand layer at top and a clay layer below. Permeability of the silt layer is 10 times the permeability of the clay layer and one–tenth of the permeability of the sand layer. Thickness of the silt layer is 2 times the thickness of the sand layer and two–third of the thickness of the clay layer. The ratio of equivalent horizontal and equivalent vertical permeability of the deposit is __________.(upto 2 decimal places)
Question 19
Laplace equation for water flow in soils is given below:
Head H does not vary in y and z directions.
Boundary conditions are: at x = 0, H = 5; and
What is the value of H at x = 1.2? ______

Head H does not vary in y and z directions.
Boundary conditions are: at x = 0, H = 5; and

What is the value of H at x = 1.2? ______
Question 20
In a 6 m thick stratum of fine sand having submerged density of 11 kN/m3, quick sand condition occurred at a depth of 4.2 m of excavation. What is the depth of lowering of ground water table (in m) required for making an excavation 5 m deep?
[Take density of water as 10 kN/m3]
[Take density of water as 10 kN/m3]
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