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GATE (CE) 2022 : Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Quiz #5
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Question 1
Flow of water with a constant rate through a circular pipe of variable diameter is an example of_______.
Question 2
Mechanical flow meter, which does not incorporate an impeller for the purpose of flow measurement in a fluid medium consisting of water is :
Question 3
The arrangement shown in the figure measures the velocity V of a gas of density 1 kg/m3 flowing through a pipe. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2. If the manometric fluid is water (density 1000 kg/m3) and the velocity V is 20 m/s, the differential head h (in mm) between the two arms of the manometer is _____

Question 4
An orifice of 20 mm diameter provided in a bottom most side of tank of constant cross sectional area of 0.25 m2. The time taken (in min) to fall of liquid surface in tank from 1.5 m to 0.5 m is (coefficient of discharge = 0.6)
Question 5
A fluid flows through a horizontal conical pipe having inlet diameter of 100 mm & outlet diameter of 200mm & length 3m. If inlet discharge varies nearly from 0.2 m3/s to 0.4 m3/s over 3 sec then total acceleration (magnitude) at a section when diameter is 150mm is _____ m/s2 if time of interest is 1 sec
Question 6Multiple Correct Options
For the given pipe elbow. Assume the weight of elbow and water is neglected. Consider atmospheric pressure at section 2
(Take momentum correction factor = 1.03 and inlet area 113 cm2).
- 172 attempts