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GATE (CE) 2024 : Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Quiz #2
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Question 1
In a two-dimensional velocity field with velocities u and v along the x and y directions respectively, the convective acceleration along the x-direction is given by
Question 2
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
Question 3
A cylindrical body of cross-sectional area A, height H and density, ρs is immersed to a depth h in a liquid of density ρ, and tied to the bottom with a string. The tension in the string is
Question 4
A conical wooden cork is held in position as shown in figure. Find the height of water in the tank such that the cork is held in equilibrium ___________?
Question 5
A large iceberg floating in sea water is of cubical shape and its specific gravity is 0.9. If 20cm proportion of the iceberg is above the sea surface, determine the volume (m3) of the iceberg if specific gravity of sea water is 1.025
Question 6
To measure the pressure difference between two points, a two liquid column enlarged-ends manometer is used. The diameter of the basin is 15 times higher than that of the U-tube. If the U-tube reading is 20 mm then the pressure difference (in Pa) between 1 and 2 is (take g =10 m/s2) 

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