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GATE 2025 Programming & Data Structures Foundation Quiz 5

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Question 1

You are been provided with an AVL tree as shown below

and suppose a user wishes to add number 70 in it then what would the final AVL tree would look like

Question 2

Suppose we want to search for an element 70 in a Binary Search tree. Which of the following probe sequences are not valid while searching a Binary Search tree?

Question 3

Given a minimum heap tree of size   , what is the worst case time complexity to delete the root element of heap tree?

Question 4

Insert 50 , 20 , 60 , 10 , 8  into an AVL Tree. Which rotation is performed to make the tree balanced?

Question 5

Consider an empty Binary Search Tree in which the elements are inserted in the order :

20, 30, 15, 10, 7, 80, 45, 25, 17 and 6 Find the element which is inserted at the last level of BST _______.

  • 49 attempts