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GATE 2025 Databases Foundation Quiz 20
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Question 1
Consider the relation database, where primary keys are underlined
• Student (Student_name, street, city)
• Score (Student_name, Branch_name, marks)
• Branch (Branch_name, HOD)
• Manages (Student_name, Faculty_name)
What does the following tuple relational calculus query produce?
• Student (Student_name, street, city)
• Score (Student_name, Branch_name, marks)
• Branch (Branch_name, HOD)
• Manages (Student_name, Faculty_name)
What does the following tuple relational calculus query produce?
{S1.student_name | S1∈ Score¬∃ S2∈ Score(S1[marks]≤S2marks
∃e2∈ student(S2[student_Name])
=e2[student_name]e2[city] = ‘Mumbai’))
Question 2
Consider the following tuple relational calculus:
{t | Ǝ s ε instructor (t[name] = s[name] ᴧ Ǝ u ε department (u[dept_name] = s[dept_name]
ᴧ u[building] = “Taylor”))}
What does the given expression perform?
Question 3
A query in the tuple relational calculus is expressed as:
Question 4
Domain relational Calculus is a:
Question 5
The relational algebra expression equivalent to the following tuple calculus relation:
- 43 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSDatabasesDec 20GATE & PSU CS