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GATE 2025 Analog Circuits Foundation Quiz 56

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Question 1

Given the opamp is having configuration as shown the op-amp has open loop gain of 500

Find the output voltage Vo = ___________________V

Question 2

Closed loop current gain(in 106)for an opamp to prevent distortion for an input of [Vi = 2 sin(100t) mV] having slew rate of 1.5 V/μsec will be?

Question 3

A circuit with an ideal OPAMP is shown. The Bode plot for the magnitude (in dB) of the gain transfer function  of the circuit is also provided (here, ω is the angular frequency in rad/s). The values of R and C are ______.

Question 4Multiple Correct Options

An ideal OPAMP circuit with a sinusoidal input is shown in the figure. The 3 dB frequency is the frequency at which the magnitude of the voltage gain decreases by 3 dB from the maximum value. Which of the options is/are correct?

Question 5

Find the value of VC at t = 1m sec, if capacitor is initially uncharged? When opamp is ideal ____ volt.

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