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GATE 2024 theory of computation Rank Booster Quiz 15

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Question 1

Which is not the correct statement(s)?
i. Every context sensitive language is recursive.
ii. There is a recursive language that is not context sensitive.

Question 2

Recursively enumerable language (problem) is ___________

Question 3

Recursive language is not closed under which operation?

Question 4

If L and are recursively enumerable then L is

Question 5

Match the languages to their corresponding time taken to accept the string :

Question 6

Consider the following Turing Machine :

A Turing machine either halts or hangs on a specific input. When a Turing machine hangs, then the input string is rejected because the further processing of string cannot be done. When a Turing machine halts, it may halt by accepting the input or may halt by rejecting the input. If it halts in final state, then the input is accepted, otherwise rejected. On which input, the above Turing machine will halt in a final state and accept that string ?

Question 7

Consider the following statements about L:

1) L is accepted by multi-tape Turing machine, M1

2) L is also accepted by a single tape Turing Machine, M2

Then which of the following is correct?

  • 67 attempts