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GATE 2024 theory of computation Rank Booster Quiz 11
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Question 1
Consider the following statements regarding alphabet and language inequalities.
Which of the above statements are always true?
Question 2
The number of substrings (both trivial and nontrivial included) for a string containing n distinct characters is
Question 3
Consider a language L over alphabet {a, b}. If we construct DFA for L then trap state needs to be introduce in case of
Question 4
Number of final states in the language L where 3rd symbol from RHS is ‘a’ if alphabet is {a,b}.
Question 5
How many strings of length less than 4 contains the language described by the regular expression (x+y)*y(a+ab)*?
Question 6
Consider the string w = “ PICHAI”. Which of the following is not a valid suffix of
Question 7
Consider the following finite automata with Σ = {a, b}:
What will be the number of states in the minimized DFA constructed for the language accepted by given automata?
- 31 attempts