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GATE 2024 Theory of computation Foundation Quiz 90
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Question 1
If the length of the stack is limited to 15 items, what will be the language accepted by a PDA?
Question 2
Choose the correct statement from the following?
Question 3
Consider languages L1 and L2 over alphabet Σ = {a, b}.
L1 is known to be a some context-free language.
L2 = {w|w contains some x as substring and x ∈ L1}
Which of the following is true ?
Question 4
Identify the correct statements among the following :
S1 : If a language is DCFL , then it satisfies prefix property
S2 : If a language satisfies prefix property , then it is DCFL.
Question 5
Consider the following statements:
S1 : {w1cw2 | w1, w2∈ {a, b}*, w1≠ w2} is regular language.
S2: {an bn + k | n ≥ 0, k ≥ 1} ∪ {an + k bn | n ≥ 0, k ≥ 3} is DCFL.
Which of the following is true about S1 and S2?
- 34 attempts