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GATE 2024 Theory of computation Foundation Quiz 41

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Question 1

Which of the following problem is not decidable?

Question 2

Q is a CFG.
Consider the following problem  :
 Is L(Q)=∑*?
This problem is ?

Question 3

Consider the following languages
is a turing machine that visits state q on some input within 10 steps
is a turing machine, where |M| is number of states in machine
Which of the following is correct?

Question 4

Consider the following languages :
L1 : {< M, q > | M is a Turing Machine that visits state q on some input within 15 steps}.
L2 : {< M > | M is a Turing Machine, |M| < 200 where |M|is number of states in machine}.
Which of the following is correct ?

Question 5

Which of the following is decidable. Assume given a turing machine M a state q, a symbol ‘x’ and a string ‘w’.
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