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GATE 2024 Operating System Rank Booster Quiz 43

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Question 1

Consider the following statements regarding user - level and kernel - level thread-

1) Context switching is faster with kernel supported threads

2) User-level threads can be scheduled independently

3) User level threads are  transparent to kernel

Which of the above statements are true?

Question 2

There are 3 processes in the ready queue, when the currently running process requests for I/O how many process switches takes place?

Question 3

If a system has  m  processor  and  n  process where  n>m  then what will be maximum and minimum processes in running state respectively.

Question 4

If a system uses 5-state model for processes execution (New, Ready, Running, Blocked, Exit), then which of the following state processes are in the main memory?

Question 5

Consider the following statements regarding life time of any normally terminating process in an operating system.

(I) The process must be in RUNNING state atleast once during its execution.

(II) The process must be in RUNNING state atleast twice during its execution.

(III) The process must be in WAITING state atleast once during its execution.

(IV) The process must be in READY state atleast once during its execution.

Which of the above statements are correct?

Question 6

Consider the following process state transition diagram. Assume that there is atleast one process always in ready state.

Transitions and are performed by _____ and ______ schedulers respectively.

Question 7

If a system contains 8 processors and 6 processes then what will be the maximum number of processes in running state?
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