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GATE 2024 Operating System Foundation Quiz 13

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Question 1

Find the sum of Internal Fragmentation in every block

Question 2

Reference string, system using four frames.

7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1

Number of page fault _____ using MRU

Question 3

Suppose the time to service a page fault is on the average 10 milliseconds, while a memory access takes 1 microseconD. The hit ratio is 99.99% . Then faind the page fault rate-

Question 4

Consider inverted page table, a system has 32-bit virtual address and 8 MB of physical memory that is partitioned into 4096 byte pages and page table entry size is 4B. What is the approximate size of inverted page table?

Question 5

Suppose that you wish to design a virtual memory system with the following characteristics, the size of a page table entry is 32 bits, each page table must fit into a single physical frame and the system must be 35 bits. Suppose you decide to use a multilevel paging scheme with no more than two levels of page tables. What is the minimum page size your system must have?
  • 67 attempts