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GATE 2024 Electrical Machines Rank Booster Quiz 15
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Question 1
A 3-phase, 40 kVA, 400 V, star connected synchronous motor is operating at 80% load with 0.8 leading power factor. Synchronous reactance of the motor is 6 Ω. If excitation is increased by 10% by keeping the output power constant. Find the new power factor ________.
Question 2
A salient pole synchronous generator has the following per-unit parameters: Xd = 0.8 p.u., Xq = 0.5 p.u., ra = 0.02 p.u. If generator is delivering rated KVA at rated voltage and at 0.8 p.f. leading. Find the % voltage regulation of the generator is
Question 3
A 10 kW, 400 V, 3-phase, star-connected synchronous motor has synchronous impedance per phase of (0.5 + j2) Ω. Find the angle of retard and the voltage to which to which the motor must be excited to give a full load output at 0.85 power factor leading. Assume efficiency to be 90%.
Question 4
A 3- phase alternator is wound with 60° phase – spread armature windings and develops 300 kVA. If the armature is reconnected utilizing all the coils for single phase operation with a phase spread of 180°, the new rating of the machine is ________.
Question 5
A 3-phase, 6 pole, 50 Hz star connected alternator has 54 coils in 54 slots, the coils are short pitched by 3 slot the value of the pitch factor is_______.
Question 6
Two generating units rated for 250 MW and 400 MW have governor speed regulations of 6% and 6.4%, respectively, from no load to full load. Both the generating units are operating in parallel to share a load of 500 MW. Assuming free governor action, the load shared in MW, by the 250 MW generating unit is _________. (round off to nearest integer)
Question 7Multiple Correct Options
Two alternators operating in parallel have following data:
Alternator 1: Rating 700 kW, No-load frequency (fNL) = 50 Hz; full-load frequency = 48.5 Hz
Alternator 2: Rating 700 kW, No-load frequency (fNL) = 50.5 Hz; full-load frequency = 46 Hz
The characteristics are linear and total load on set in 1200 kW. The frequency and power shared by alternator 1 is
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