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GATE 2024 Control systems Rank Booster Quiz 31
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Question 1
The bandwidth of a second order system having non-zero magnitude at ω = 0, ωn = 10 rad/sec and ξ= 0.5 will be_________
Question 2
For the input to the system as 10 sinωt, the response obtained is 20 cosωt. For input of 20 cosωt the response would be______
Question 3
Which of the following statements is/are true for a second order system?
1. Resonance peak is indicative of relative stability.
2. Resonant frequency is indicative of settling times.
Question 4
_______ is the magnitude of resonance peak of a second order system having time constant of 2 sec and characteristic equation s2 + ks + 8 = 0.
Question 5
The transportation lag system e–4s is cascaded to a stable system G(s). The resultant system will have:
Question 6
Given below is the Nyquist plot for a open loop transfer function:
Determine the stability of the system.
Question 7
A unity feedback control system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
The Nyquist path and the corresponding Nyquist plot of
are shown in figures below. If
the number of poles of the closed loop transfer function that lie in the right half of the s-plane

The Nyquist path and the corresponding Nyquist plot of

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