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GATE 2024 Control Systems Foundation Quiz 72
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Question 1
The open loop transfer function of a feedback system is
Find the value of ‘k’ for obtaining a gain margin of 3dB. If the gain crossover frequency at this gain margin is 1.185 rad/s, obtain the value of phase margin (PM).

Find the value of ‘k’ for obtaining a gain margin of 3dB. If the gain crossover frequency at this gain margin is 1.185 rad/s, obtain the value of phase margin (PM).
Question 2
Determine the gain margin and phase margin for k=3
G(s)H(s) =
G(s)H(s) =

Question 3
A unity feedback system has open-loop transfer function G(s). Polar plot of G(jω) is shown below. The gain margin (GM) and the phase margin (PM) of the feedback system are
Question 4
If a system has a gain margin which is close to unity then the system is
Question 5Multiple Correct Options
The OLTF of the system is

Identify the correct statement:
- 18 attempts