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GATE 2024 Control Systems Foundation Quiz 71
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Question 1Multiple Correct Options
The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is given by
Where k>0.

Question 2
Nyquist plot of two functions G1(s) and G2(s) are shown below
Nyquist plot for product of G1(s) and G2(s) is
Question 3
Consider the following statements regarding the unity negative feedback system and its Nyquist plot as shown below:
Select the correct statement(s) given below:
S1: For k = 1, the closed-loop system will be stable when and only when the open-loop system is stable.
S2: For k = 100, the closed-loop system will be stable when and only when the open-loop system is stable.
Question 4
The open loop of a unity feedback control system G(s) is unstable and has three poles on the right-hand side of the s-plane. However, the close loop system is stable. The number of encirclements mode by Nyquist plot of the (– 1, 0) point in the G(s) plane is
Question 5
The pole-zero map and the Nyquist plot of the open-loop transfer function G(s) H(s) of a feedback system are shown below. For this
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