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GATE 2023 Database Evaluation Quiz 7
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Question 1
For finding out the minimal cover we need to remove:
Question 2
A table is in 3NF if it is in 2NF and if it has no ____________
Question 3
Join Operator is derived using which of the basic operators?
Question 4
Which of the following are the basic operators:
Question 5
Attributes which does not belong to any of the candidate keys of the relation is termed as?
Question 6
Consider relation R with five attributes as R (A B C D E), How many super keys are possible if AB is the candidate key?
Question 7
Suppose relation R is in 3NF. Then an FD: X -> Y is valid on R, if:
S1: X is a super key of R
S2: R is in 2 NF
Which of the following is true:
Question 8
Consider the relation R(A, B, C, D) with Functional Dependency set :
F = {AB → C , C → D}
When we decompose the relation into R1 (ABC) and R2 (ABD). Check whether the relation is lossy or lossless decomposition?
- 74 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSDatabasesAug 5GATE & PSU CS