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GATE 2022: Database Management system Quiz-7
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Question 1
Which of the following schedule results in unrepeatable read problem?
1) R2(A) R2(B)R1(A)R1(B)W1(A)R2(A)
2) R2(A) R2(B)W2(A)R1(A)R2(B)
3) R2(A) R2(B)R1(A)R1(B)W1(A)W2(A) R1(A)
1) R2(A) R2(B)R1(A)R1(B)W1(A)R2(A)
2) R2(A) R2(B)W2(A)R1(A)R2(B)
3) R2(A) R2(B)R1(A)R1(B)W1(A)W2(A) R1(A)
Question 2
Which of the following is false?
Question 3Multiple Correct Options
Select the correct option. [Multiple Select Question]
Question 4
Which of the following statement is/are incorrect?
Statement I. A schedule following a strict two-phase locking protocol is conflict serializable as well as recoverable.
Statement II. Checkpoints in schedules are inserted to ensure recoverability.
Question 5
The Number of dirty reads in the given schedule is_________
S: 2RA 2WA 3RC 2WB 3WA 3WC 1RA 1RB 1WA 1WB 2RC
Question 6
Find the no of conflict pair present in the given schedule__________
S: r1(X) r1(Y) r2(X) r2(Y) w2(Y) w1(X)
- 262 attempts
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GATE & PSU CSDatabasesSep 6GATE & PSU CS