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GATE 2022: Database Management System Quiz-2
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Question 1
Consider a relation R{ABCDEFGH}
Consider the following FD’s linked to it:
1) A -> BC
2) E -> A
3) F -> EG
4) B -> CFH
5) CH -> G
The relation R is in which normal form?
Consider the following FD’s linked to it:
1) A -> BC
2) E -> A
3) F -> EG
4) B -> CFH
5) CH -> G
The relation R is in which normal form?
Question 2
The term physical data independence is defined as:
Question 3
A relation R(A, B) where A, B are attributes is always in:
Question 4
Consider the following statement
P : Canonical cover may not be unique.
Q :
Canonical cover of F is unique.
Which of the following is correct?
P : Canonical cover may not be unique.
Q :

Which of the following is correct?
Question 5
A set of FDs is given for a relation R (A, B, C, D, E)
A -> AB
AC -> D
ABD -> C
Then number of elements in {A, C}+ closure?
Question 6
Consider the following table:
How many functional dependencies exist in the canonical cover of this relation?
A |
B |
C |
a1 a1 a2 a2 |
b1 b1 b1 b1 |
c1 c2 c1 c3 |
How many functional dependencies exist in the canonical cover of this relation?
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GATE & PSU CSDatabasesJul 21GATE & PSU CS