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GATE 2019 Soil Mechanics Quiz 10
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Question 1
A smooth rigid retaining wall moves as shown in the sketch causing the backfill material to fail. The backfill material is homogenous and isotropic, and obeys the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. The major principal stress is

Question 2
= Poisson's ratio of soil sample 1
= Poisson's ratio of soil sample 2
K1 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest for soil sample 1
k2 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest for soil sample 2
= 1.5 and (1-
) = 0.875, then the value of K1/k2 will be

K1 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest for soil sample 1
k2 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest for soil sample 2

Question 3
Two different soil types (soil I and Soil 2) are used as backfill behind a retaining wall as shown in the figure, where gt is total unit weight, and c ¢ and f ¢ are effective cohesion and effective angle of shearing resistance. The resultant active earth force per unit length (in kN/m) acting on the wall is:

Question 4
Assertion (A) safe height (2Z) to which unsupported vertical cut in clay can be made is 4c/γ
Reason (R) Active earth pressure of a cohesive backfill shows a negative pressure developed upto Z and total net pressure upto 2Z is 0
Reason (R) Active earth pressure of a cohesive backfill shows a negative pressure developed upto Z and total net pressure upto 2Z is 0
Question 5
A homogeneous gravity retaining wall supporting a cohesionless backfill is shown in the figure. The lateral active earth pressure at the bottom of the wall is 40 kPa.
The minimum weight of the wall (expressed in kN per m length) required to prevent it from overturning about its toe (Point P) is

The minimum weight of the wall (expressed in kN per m length) required to prevent it from overturning about its toe (Point P) is
Question 6
In a certain sea shore, the height of a retaining wall with smooth vertical back is 4.4 m. The foundation is over an expansive collapsible soil and has horizontal surface at the level of the top of the wall and carries a udl of 197 kPa. The unit weight and angle of internal friction are 19 kN/m3 and 30 °, respectively. What is the nearest magnitude of the total active pressure per meter length of this sea shore wall?
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