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ESE 2021 Technical Quiz || Compression Members

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Question 1

What is the maximum permissible slenderness ratio of a major compression member which undergoes reversal of stress due to wind load?

Question 2

The batten plates used to connect the components of a built-up column are designed to resist.

Question 3

Which of the following statements about lacing bars is/are correct.

1) For a wielded lacing system, effective length is equal to 0.7 times distance between inner ends of effective lengths of welds at ends.

2) Angle of inclination of lacing bar from axis of column should not be more than 45°.

3) Thickness of lacing bar should not be less than  for double lacing, where leff is the effective length of the lacing bar.

4) Maximum slenderness ratio of component of main members between two consecutive lacing connection should not be greater than 0.7 times most unfavourable slenderness ratio of combined column.

Question 4

A built up column carry an axial compressive load of 4000 kN. Two parallel battens are used at a spacing of 500 mm. Distance between centroid of rivet group is 400 mm.

Which of the following statements is/are correct:

1. Moment arising in the batten due to transverse shear is 12.5 kNm

2. Design shear force in the batten is 100 kN

3. Moment arising in the batten due to transverse shear is 10 kNm

4. Design shear force in the batten is 62.5 kN

Question 5

Which one among the following is the correct ratio of effective length to actual length of a discontinuous angle strut, if ends are welded?
  • 203 attempts