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Deadlocks - Practice GATE 2024 Fundamental Quiz

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Question 1

Consider a system with 4 processes that share 5 instances of the same resource type. Each process can request a maximum of K instances. Resource instances can be requested and released only one at a time. The largest value of K that will always avoid deadlock is _______ .

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT a valid deadlock prevention scheme?

Question 3

Which of the following statements are True?
I. All unsafe states are deadlocks.
II. A deadlock-avoidance algorithm dynamically examines the resource-allocation state to ensure that a circular-wait condition can never exist.
III. To eliminate deadlock if a process and resources are selected for pre-emption on the basis of cost leads to starvation.

Question 4

A system is having 10 user processes each requiring 3 units of resource R. The maximum number of units of R such that deadlock will occur?

Question 5

The following figure shows a resource allocation graph. Determine whether there is a deadlock or not with reason.

Question 6

A system has 4 processes and 5 allocatable resource. The current allocation and maximum needs are as follows. If Available = [ 0 0 X 1 1 ], what is the smallest value of x for which this is a safe state?
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