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Database : Nuclear Quiz 2
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Question 1
Consider the following relation with given functional dependencies:
F={RS→T, RS→U, U→R, ST→U, ST→V}
What is the highest normal form of the above relation P?
Question 2
Choose the correct statement:
Question 3
Which of the following is true?
Question 4
If there is more than one key for relation schema in DBMS then each key in relation schema is classified as :
Question 5
Find the highest normal form of a relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with FD set as {BC->D, AC->BE, B->E}
Question 6
A B+ tree is build with the following parameters.
1. System block size is 230 bytes.
2. Ignore space needed for block pointer.
3. Record pointer is 16 bytes
4. Block pointer is 14 bytes.
5. Index keys are of 8 bytes each.
What is the maximum order of leaf node that can be constructed using above parameters.
1. System block size is 230 bytes.
2. Ignore space needed for block pointer.
3. Record pointer is 16 bytes
4. Block pointer is 14 bytes.
5. Index keys are of 8 bytes each.
What is the maximum order of leaf node that can be constructed using above parameters.
Question 7
relations have the following instances
Find number of tuples returned by the following query (ρ is used to rename the attribute)

Find number of tuples returned by the following query (ρ is used to rename the attribute)

Question 8
Which of the following statements are TRUE about an SQL query?
P : An SQL query can contain a HAVING clause even if it does not have a GROUP BY clause
Q : An SQL query can contain a HAVING clause only if it has a GROUP BY clause
R : All attributes used in the GROUP BY clause must appear in the SELECT clause
S : Not all attributes used in the GROUP BY clause need to appear in the SELECT clause
Question 9
Which property fails when a schedule suffers from Unrepeatable Read Problem ?
Question 10
Which of the following statements is/are true?
S1 : 2-phase locking protocol ensures both conflict serializability and deadlock avoidance.
S2 : Time-stamp ordering protocol do not ensure both conflict serializablity and deadlock avoidance.
S1 : 2-phase locking protocol ensures both conflict serializability and deadlock avoidance.
S2 : Time-stamp ordering protocol do not ensure both conflict serializablity and deadlock avoidance.
- 227 attempts
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